This update will be short and sweet, but feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our plans. Here’s a quick overview of how we’ll spend our time in class next week:
- On Monday we continue our discussion about information architecture as it relates to your Unit #2 projects, then we will conduct a review session for our first exam. This review session will be as short or as long as you need it to be, so please come to class ready to ask any questions you have about the exam. Whatever time is leftover after our review will be spent in a WordPress theming workshop. Before you come to class, please read “Introduction to Information Architecture,” by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville. In addition, you have two short homework assignments that need to be completed before you come to class on Monday:
- Create all of your pages in WordPress for the Unit #2 project. (Translation: copy and paste the text from your original document into a text editor, clean it up, then paste it into WordPress, breaking up the text into individual pages.)
- After you have created your pages, activate at least three different themes on your WordPress site (in your Dashboard go to Appearance > Themes) and experiment with the various settings for each theme. At the end of class on Monday, you will show your themes to your classmates and get their feedback about which theme would work best for your site.
- On Wednesday we will have the first exam of the semester. Please arrive ready to spend the entire class period on the exam, which will consist of three sections: multiple choice questions, short responses (definitions and mini-essays), and a coding exercise. Everything we have covered during the first five weeks of class is fair game for the exam, so please review your notes, reread textbook chapters, and form study groups with your classmates to ensure that you are prepared.
As always, you can stop by my office (427 Shanks Hall) during office hours (Monday 8-11, Tuesday 1-4) if you need help with any of these tasks.